Sunday, December 9, 2007

Handmade holiday sneak peek

Whew, I'm coming up for air for a moment from my holiday gift making fest.

I hope the recipients like what I've made as much as I do. Like the gift above, which I can only give a peek of for now.

How is your Holiday gift making/shopping going?


  1. Cute! My giftmaking is just a tad behind...mostly becuase at the last minute I decided to finish three quilted tabletoppers that I started last year:) And cause I ran out of thread on Saturday:) But now I am fully stocked again and plan to work a little bit each night this week to get back on trach.

  2. Whatever that will be, I like the green fabric.

    Most years I think of a handmade item I can give to family & friends - dishtowels, aprons - but this year I'm coming up blank! So I don't know yet..!

  3. Um, been procrastinating, so only one gift is made... I'm hanging my head in shame.


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