Thursday, July 26, 2007

Because I've been too lazy to learn to knit

I decided to expand my crochet skills beyond the granny square. I was doing one of my favorite activities the other evening, browsing through the craft books at the bookstore, and picked up this book. Wow! It is filled with some really cute and cool patterns.

I'll be browsing the yarn section instead of the fabric section at the craft store this weekend. Really, who am I kidding? I'm sure I'll come away with more yarn and fabric.

P.S. Thanks for all the granny square clutch love from my last post!


  1. Oh I have this book and I love it!!! I've made a few of the little flowers that will be perfect for pinning on something.

  2. You know, I actually know one of the contributing authors.

    And yes, it is an awesome book! :)


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