Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Unsure, originally uploaded by CreativeReveries.

I'm trying my hand at half square triangles, but I'm not sure I like the result so far. Are my squares too big (they will be 4 inches by the time they are sewn together)? Do I need more prints? I think I might. Perhaps it is too early to judge.


  1. Keep going- they get better! More prints might help, but the design you are working on is a "big picture" piece.

  2. I don't think the squares are too big. Another triangle trick is to take bigger squares (ie, 8"), sew around the perimeter with 1/4" seam, then cut on both diagonals - that way, you get 4 HSTS out of one sew (but you do have to deal with the fabric on the bias then, so that may be too fiddly).

  3. I love your colors! I say go with it. I am making a queen quilt with this type of layout, and I have to say the whole is so much greater than the parts. Maybe lay out more of them so you can see how it will look. I must admit it took me ages to lay it out to my satisfaction, and I ended up doing some very geeky maths to balance the distribution of prints.

  4. These look great! Once you have put them together they will look even better! Keep it up! -kb


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